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About Ping's Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work on your underlying energy and boost your healing power to help yourself. Chinese medicine believes that the human body has so many channels of chi or energy, which we call meridians. If your blood and energy flow freely in these meridians, you'll have no pain and no health issues. Otherwise, if you have a blockage in these meridians, you will have some health problems.


The acupuncture chart shows that the black lines are meridians, the yellow lines are nerves, the red lines are blood vessels. So you can tell the most meridians/channels go along with nerves and blood vessels. Your blood and energy flow in the meridians just like cars running on the freeways. If there is no traffic jam, everyone is flowing without a problem. On the other hand, if there is an accident, we have to clean it up to help cars moving smoothly. As the same thing, if your blood and energy are stuck in your system, it results in pain or other health issues. Acupuncture would work as a traffic controller that inserts needles into specific points to clean the body's traffic jam, making blood and energy flow freely in your system. No blockage, no pain.

There are over hundreds of points; how do we reach more points to get better results? Therefore we have a set of standard of procedures (SOP) as follows:

In the first step, we do Ping's meridian massage on the back ( work on the bladder channels from head to feet ) to warm up energy channels, make blood and energy like rivers flowing to each corner of the body. The first step relaxes muscles, calms the mind, and prepares the body for acupuncture. Ping's meridian massage is Dr.Lu created; it was initially designed for children with ADD/ ADHD to help them stay calm during acupuncture. In the second step, we insert the hair-thin needles in specific points to reduce stress, improve circulation, relieve the pain, rebalance hormones, boost body healing power, active underlying energy, and improve general health. Both techniques complement one another and work more effectively than a single one.

Pain management

Our clinical experience shows that acupuncture with electronic stimulation is more effective than just needles for pain management. Only after 1 or 2 treatments, patients feel pain relief from 50% better to pain-free.

To help you understand how acupuncture works, we will show the whole picture of acupuncture points.


Back points

I named the bladder channels as the human 405 freeway from feet all away up to the head. The acupuncture chart shows that acupuncture points, nerves, and blood vessels overlap together. They work as a team, external to relax muscles, improve circulation and relieve pain; internal to replenish energy, flash water, clean toxins, reduce inflammation, rebalance hormones, boost immunity and improve general health.

For example, points on the neck, shoulders, and upper back relieve the local pain and help stress, headache, sleep, heart, lungs, and thyroid. Points on the middle and lower back alleviate back pain, sciatica, and foot pain; meanwhile, they are suitable for liver detox, spleen refresh blood, and work on stomach, intestines, colon, and pancreas to help digestion. The back points also benefit the bladder, uterus, ovarian, prostate, kidneys, and adrenal systems to rebalance hormones and active underlying energy.

Front points

The top head points(百会, 四神聪)work as a governor to direct the underlying energy is flowing like waterfalls through the body. Suitable for general health, stress, sleep, and headaches. 

The face points[(太阳,印堂,攒竹,迎香,地仓,听宫,下关,颊车) are suitable for headaches, sinusitis, nasal congestion, allergy, TMJ, facial pain, Bell's palsy, facial complexion.

The tummy points(三脘、水分、气海、关元,天枢、大横,水道,归来)promote core energy flow like rivers to reach each corner of the body and strengthen the core muscle to support the lower back. Good for wellbeing, abdominal issue, male and female health, hormones, digestion, urinary system, and lower back.

The inner knee points (血海)that names blood ocean. Good for nourish blood, improve circulation, benefit general health and relieve knee pain. Significantly help hemorrhagic diseases.

The points (足三里)below the outer knee are health care points. Good for boost immunity, active healing power, enhance health, help abdominal issues and digestion problems.

The inner ankle points (三阴交)are the junction of three human freeways crossing on one spot. If keeping no traffic jams here, the energy and blood can flow freely from the bottom to the top of the body. Suitable for general health, hormone, menopause, insomnia, kidney, liver, and spleen.

The points (曲池,小海,少海,合谷,内外关, 阳溪,阳谷)on the arm and hand. Good for heart, lung, stress, sleep, headaches, arm pain, elbow injuries, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The points on the hands and feet (开四关)are called the four gates to the body. To keep the four gates open to let good energy in and bad energy out freely, just like leave doors and windows open to get fresh air in our room. Good for headaches, stress, depression, anxiety, sleep, and general health.

The points on the front are more sensitive than on the back. That is why we usually start acupuncture on the back the first time. Especially for the back pain or sciatica, acupuncture on the back or side more often than the front. But it also depends on a case by case.

We use disposable sterile needles, so it is very safe.


Glass ball cupping: 1) Put fire in and out of the glass ball quickly and make a vacuum in there. 2) Suck the vacuumed ball on the skin to pull blood circulation from deep tissue to top surface, 3) Cupping will leave "pepperoni marks" on the skin for a few days. 4) The first trial of cupping therapy is free of charge. After the first trial, there is a charge for cupping. Good for pain, allergy, asthma, cold/flu, and congestion. 


You may read two words in silence during meridian massage and acupuncture, "touching healing" or "healing touch," to make the treatment more effective. You may also do your meditation or relax and fall asleep.


After treatment

Drink plenty of water to flush toxins out. Do not do heavy exercise and hot yoga until the next day. But you could walk 30-40 minutes after treatment. 

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